Welcome Aboard!

Welcome aboard, delegates, distinguished guests, and participants to the maiden voyage of the Model United Nations conference hosted by The Mayflower School. We are thrilled to set sail on this remarkable journey together,heralding the dawn of a new era in our school's annuals.

As we navigate the waters of diplomacy, debate, and collaboration, let us chart the course with a keen eye on the horizon. This conference serves as our vessel for students to trim their public speaking, critical thinking, and negotiation skills amidst the turbulent seas of a simulated United Nations arena, where real-world issues unfurl like billowing sails in the wind.

The Mayflower School's dedication to cultivating global citizenship and fostering international understanding shines brightly through this Model UN conference, akin to a lighthouse guiding ships through stormy seas. Through engaging in profound dialogues, drafting resolutions like skilled sailors adjusting their sails, and steering towards consensus, we aim to mold a crew of young leaders ready to weather the tempestuous challenges of our era.

In the spirit of unity and cooperation, let us hoist the flag of inclusivity, navigate the currents of diverse opinions, and anchor ourselves in the harbor of common ground for the greater good. Together, we can navigate uncharted waters, inspire change like the gentle breeze filling our sails, and create a lasting impact that ripples far beyond our shores.

May this conference be a compass guiding us towards personal growth, a sextant helping us navigate uncharted territories of knowledge, and a sturdy anchor forging bonds of friendship that withstand the test of time. Let us embark on this voyage with open hearts and minds, ready to steer our ship towards a brighter future as empowered global citizens charting a new course for humanity.

Welcome aboard The Mayflower School's inaugural Model United Nations conference – let the journey unfurl its sails and carry us towards new horizons! Fair winds and following seas.

SharkTEAM 2024

SharkMUN 2024 is set to make waves on Friday, the 14th of June, and Saturday the 15th, promising an unforgettable experience filled with enriching debates and engaging discussions. For detailed information on the agenda, topics of discussion, and additional resources, please navigate to the respective tabs on our website. Everything you need to know to prepare for this prestigious event can be found there. Furthermore, we have thoughtfully included a contact form on the website to address any inquiries or concerns you may have about the conference. Your feedback and questions are valuable to us, and we are here to assist you every step of the way.